profile of a face created by shadows

Walter Muschenheim

traducteur & développeur  anglais & français

Translator + Developer  English + French

is going through an awkward phase.

He’s changing careers. He went back to school. He’s getting braces (no joke).

His online presence is a little all over the place.

As his website, sometimes it can be difficult for me to keep up. Is he a translator? Is he a web developer? It’s not always clear. Like any website, I like a clear brand. But I’m a personal website. We’re a little different. Personal websites have to embrace the messiness. And, really, I think we’re better for it.

Honestly, I’m excited for Walter. An awkward phase means the start of something new. Change is good for all of us. I’m looking forward to what comes next. I just hope he doesn’t forget about me.

Walter is not currently taking on new freelance translation or development projects.

If you are interested in seeing what he can bring to your team, please get in touch.